This is the fourth “Communication Best Practice” that can help you convert the general needs of your clients into a specific “I-want-your-product” commitment. Followed carefully and consistently, these four communication fundamentals get to the heart of the decision-making matter in real-world applications. They can help you tailor the narrative around your product into a story the client wants to hear and act on.
All things equal, the best communicator wins the business. But things aren’t equal, so communication skills are more important than ever. As commoditization in the investment arena increases and distribution channels evolve and expand, we believe that success won’t be determined by an extra 10 basis points, but by efficient communication. We do believe the investment world will split between firms which put the power of their marketing at their core, and the rest. These concepts can’t live by themselves or rely on the good will of some marketing aficionados who may or may not be part of your staff. They need to be centerstage as a corporate priority and championed by top management. This requires both effort and commitment. The investment industry is one of data analysis figures and has for years been used to think it is judged only on performance numbers. The natural tendency is to go back to figures, data, features, rather than emotion and benefits. Thus, the need for a strong strategy, managerial support and consistent discipline. So, out of our four communication beliefs, if there is only one you want to remember, please remember this one!
We are passionate about these matters. If you would like to discuss these with us and how they are relevant for your success, please don’t hesitate to contact us and visit our Web site
Should you have missed our Communication Best Practice #1, #2 or #3 please visit:
It’s all about emotion:
The client is more focused on his problems than your powers:
Communication takes place in the ear of the listener not the mouth of the speaker: